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The performance place


Nov.8.- Dec. 2012

University of Pennsylvania

Studio I: ARCH 501,Fall 2012



Josh Freese

Dace with Shackles

​dance with Dionysus

We are all born with shackles.

At first,
we are limited by too many factors:

the rigid rules, the old habit, the idol ...

we try to struggle in our life, facing our limitation and develop our potential, we follow the signal and decode the fate.

“ ... man is something that must be surpassed.
—That man is a bridge and not a goal...”
(Thus Spake Zarathustra)

Dionysus is calling, he throws the cloak of dream and inebriation around us which keep us from being ruined by the truth. We begin to create the future of our own, we sing as we want and dance as we want.

Now, we break through the gate, leaving the twilight of the idol behind and welcome the dawning of the freedom.

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